Sharing May 1st’s devotion from Word in Season: John 14:12 Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these. In talking about the future, his death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus promised Philip, along with the other disciples gathered with him around the supper table, participation in God’s loving, healing, and saving work. In the inviting and gathering, welcoming and giving of hospitality, the love of God will be made known to others, and countless lives will be forever changed. Jesus’ promise is for you, too! By God’s gift of grace through faith, you will be a part of God’s work of loving and blessing the world. The “greater works than these” of which Jesus speaks are the ways in which we love and care for others, and they are grateful and faithful responses to what God has first done for us. In listening to the concerns of a friend, in reaching out in friendship to another, in encouraging one who is heartbroken, we witness to God’s love in Christ. And Jesus’ promise of joining in God’s loving, healing, and saving work is fulfilled.
Come and see.
The Grace Lutheran May Messenger can be found here: May 2015 Newsletter*
Grace Lutheran’s May Calendar is located here: May Calendar