December News

christmas treeWhen we offer hope, love, and friendship in the name of Jesus, we offer his light to the world. That light has never gone out. It is the light that makes it possible for us to see goodness in the world, even in darkness. Come and join in the celebration of Christmas and the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ during the Christmas Eve Service on Thursday, December 24th at 4:30 p.m.

The December Grace Messenger issue can be found here: December 2015 Newsletter

The Grace December Calendar can be found here: December Calendar

November News

November brings additional opportunities for fellowship. Grace Lutheran is hosting the Thanksgiving Eve Service, inviting congregations from St. Luke’s Lutheran, First Lutheran, Augustana, and San Andreas to attend and celebrate the thanksgiving of God on Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 p.m. Dessert and fellowship time will follow the worship service. Let’s gather as friends and thank God for the marvelous gift of friendship and grace as God’s people in Christ.

The November Grace Messenger can be found here: November 2015 Newsletter

Click the link to read Grace’s November Calendar: November Calendar

October News

October has a couple of opportunities to reach out and be a blessing with the upcoming 33rd Annual Omaha Crop Walk which not only supports to end hunger and poverty worldwide but also locally. Omaha Crop Walk is on Sunday, October 11th. The end of the month is Grace’s big outreach in celebrating Halloween. The Halloween party will be held here at Grace Lutheran Church on Friday, October 30th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Please read the following links to find out additional information with these two events and more!

Grace Lutheran October Messenger can be found here: October 2015 Newsletter

Click the link to see Grace’s October 2015 Calendar: October Calendar

September News

The Word in Season Devotional for August 25th:
One reason I love the psalms is that they are very human words and prayers to God, which have, in the course of time, been adopted as the word of God. In my mind, it confirms that God wants us to keep communicating in prayer even when we express negative feelings. God wants us to get them out. The book of Psalms is the ideal place to start when you want to pray but words fail you.
Too often we mistakenly think that we need to face and solve our troubles on our own. Psalm 119 is a celebration of God’s law. Clearly the psalmist saw great value in God’s word as a source of wisdom and comfort in time of need. It is a reminder that when we feel alone, we may always turn to the Bible as a place to find a connection to God.

Lord, stay near to those who feel alone, and make your presence known. Amen.

The Grace Messenger can be found here: September 2015 Newsletter

Click the link to read The Grace Lutheran September Calendar: September 2015 Calendar

August News

The word to ponder or meditate over for August is Blessings. Where do your thoughts travel to when you hear or read the word Blessings?

The Grace Newsletter can be found here: August 2015
The Grace Lutheran August Calendar is located here: August Calendar

July News

Kids At Work Summer Youth Program continues to be a great blessing in the community and will conclude with a Celebration Potluck Picnic on Sunday July 26th at noon following worship service. You are invited to join in, in this annual fellowship with great food and awesome fellowship.

The July issue of the Grace Messenger can be found here: July 2015 Newsletter*

The Grace Lutheran Church July Calendar can be found here: July Calendar

June News

Kids At Work starts this week and will continue through July 22nd meeting and serving the community every Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 to noon. May the Holy Spirit move this great group of young adults as they venture into the community and make them blessings to others.

Grace Messenger can be found here: June 2015 Messenger
Grace Lutheran Church’s June calendar can be found here: June Calendar

May News

Sharing May 1st’s devotion from Word in Season: John 14:12 Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these. In talking about the future, his death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus promised Philip, along with the other disciples gathered with him around the supper table, participation in God’s loving, healing, and saving work. In the inviting and gathering, welcoming and giving of hospitality, the love of God will be made known to others, and countless lives will be forever changed. Jesus’ promise is for you, too! By God’s gift of grace through faith, you will be a part of God’s work of loving and blessing the world. The “greater works than these” of which Jesus speaks are the ways in which we love and care for others, and they are grateful and faithful responses to what God has first done for us. In listening to the concerns of a friend, in reaching out in friendship to another, in encouraging one who is heartbroken, we witness to God’s love in Christ. And Jesus’ promise of joining in God’s loving, healing, and saving work is fulfilled.

Come and see.

The Grace Lutheran May Messenger can be found here: May 2015 Newsletter*

Grace Lutheran’s May Calendar is located here: May Calendar

April News

PrintOn Thursday, we begin the Great Three Days of our faith journey. We gather for Maundy Thursday service at St. Luke’s Lutheran at 7 pm. On Good Friday, we gather at Grace at 7 pm. On Holy Saturday, we prepare quietly for the glorious celebration of resurrection. Sunrise service at Grace at 6:30 am. Come join in the journey!

Click on the link to read Grace Lutheran’s April Newsletter: April 2015 News
Grace’s April Calendar is located here: April Calendar

March News

Grace continues to experience the Grace and Mercy given by God as we listen to guest speakers on “Commitment Above Adversity” through the Beatitudes, given each Wednesday during the Mid Week Lenten Service. Join us for fellowship and a light meal served at 6:00 p.m. and then listen to special music and guest speakers during a simple service at 7:00 p.m.

Current news from Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: March 2015 Newsletter

The Grace Lutheran March Calendar can be seen by clicking here: March Calendar