October 10, 2021 – 20th Sunday after Pentecost worship service

In today’s gospel from Mark, Jesus invites a man to leave behind everything he has known and thought about himself to become Jesus’ disciple. To the world, the mand is defined by his wealth, but Jesus sees the man behind the possessions and loves him. He sees past what seems inevitable about the man, to what God can make possible. Yet, tragically, the man can only see the world’s vision of him, a vision of limited possibilities. When Jesus calls him to leave his wealth behind, the man thinks he is being asked the impossible and leaves. How will we respond?

October 3, 2021 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost worship service

In today’s gospel from Mark, the two episodes may seem disjointed: a challenging, even unsettling passage about divorce is followed by a much-loved image of Jesus telling his disciples to let little children come to him. Yet in both passages, Jesus puts rules and conventions aside to challenge his followers’ hearts to greater openness and vulnerability. How might we become agents of love through Christ?

September 26, 2021 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost worship service

The first Sunday of Fall was a beautiful morning to praise God. We were blessed with almost 60 folks present.

Our “Perfect Pair” project collected 238 cans of fruit for the Loaves & Fishes Pantry during the month. We also received 24 personal care products. Thank You! We are currently collecting bags of candy to give out through the pantry at the end of October.

May your last week of September be a blessing!

September News

Read the Grace Messenger to discover how you can easily be apart of God’s Work – Our Hands on Sunday, September 12th. September Worship Services will be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 2315 “I” Street, services begin at 9:30 a.m. Come, let us worship Christ our Lord and Savior, together!

Read the September Messenger to catch up with the current news here: September 2021 Messenger

Grace Lutheran’s calendar can be found here: Calendar September 2021

July News

July brings opportunities each Sunday for all to Worship together at 9:30 a.m. at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 2315 “I” Street. Hope to see you there!

The current news of Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: July 2021 Messenger

Grace Lutheran’s July 2021 Calendar is located here: July 2021 Calendar

June News

We will be gathering every Sunday in June at Grace Lutheran, Worship service will begin at 9:30 a.m. Additional information is included within the June Messenger. God is Good All the Time; All the Time God is Good.

The current news from Grace Lutheran Church can be found by clicking the link: June 2021 Messenger

The Calendar for June is located here: June 2021 Calendar